Life / Insurance
winner of the Fugere Book prize from Regal House
a collage artist piecing together a life, a composer unable to talk,
and an interrogation into art and existence in New York City
available at
Amazon or Bookshop or Regal House
featured in Electric Lit’s
“15 Small Press Books You Should Be Reading This Winter”
That Night Alive
winner of the novella prize from Miami University Press
half futuristic fiction and half meditative memoir
“ambitious, inventive, continually surprising, and finely etched”
—Lee Upton, author of The Tao of Humiliation
More Books
Palms Are Not Trees After All, winner of the Clay Reynolds Novella Prize from Texas Review Press
Hint Fiction: An Anthology of Stories in 25 Words or Fewer (Norton)
More Work
read selected short fiction (and creative nonfiction)
or essays for writers
“What If You’re Writing Novellas? Now What” (on how to win a novella contest)
“The Allure of a Novella: Why Writers (and Readers) Should Indulge”
or an essay for the dog lovers of New York: “I swore I’d never own a dog in the city. Then my neighbor gave me two.”